I rode my bike today

It was sunny, James was picking DD up from school before heading off to pick DS up from créche, I wasn’t in the mood for anything resembling working – it was the only thing to do. I headed out, just me and DB. I figured 30 minutes would be enough and it was, just. Good job there isn’t enough space on the phone for photos or I would have stopped for just long enough to miss my 30-minute window.


Ride Deets

I pedaled like a maniac who’s been cooped up all winter but also one who knows that, if she’s late for the agreed rendez-vous, the screams of her by then tired four-year-old will haunt the remainder of her days. I sang “She’s like the wind,” (Dirty Dancing) in happy maniac mode as I pedalled down the Col de Boyer. I awwwed at the baby lambs and calves and made a mental note to take the kids back there later (which I did – which is when I also noticed the two giant bulls, yikes!) And I made it. The car was there already but they’d gone to the cashpoint rather than straight to the cafe so by the time they arrived I was part way through my espresso. DD was happy to see me, James was relieved!

Spring is in the air, DB is a little bit muddy again, it’s all good 🙂